Integrating Social Media into your Website – Setting up Twitter

Integrating Social Media accounts to your website

Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

This is a post that continues our DIY WordPress series. You can find all of the lessons at the previous link.

Setting up Twitter

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Sign Up”.
  3. Add your name and email address.
  4. Add a password and click sign up.
  5. Add your picture / logo.
  6. Confirm your email.
  7. Go to Google Plus
  8. Make sure you log into your gmail account. That helps to make sure that everything is synched together.
  9. Click Manage this page – answer the questions it presents you one at a time.
  10. Now integrate your website with all of your social media accounts so far. Each template is a little different. If you’re having trouble finding where they go, you c an always add a plug in to make things work.
  11. Make sure that you test things a bit – click on the links on your site and make sure that it goes to the destination that you want it to.

Here is a video that shows you how to get a plug in you can use to integrate social media on your website.

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